The Grey Life is a collection of ideas exploring ways to live with life’s uncertainties.

The story behind all of us, is never black nor white.

Every life is uncertain and changeable. Life is ambiguous.

Ambiguity, uncertainty, creates tension in our daily lives.

But what if we’re never meant to resolve that tension?

What if trying to only increases its impact?

What if, instead, we’re meant to turn towards the tension?

What if we’re meant to exist within different states at different times, and move between them?

The most honest, unifying human experience is to live in a state of tension, to live in ambiguity.

A few simple, common beliefs underpin The Grey Life:

Life is hard.


It’s hard for everyone.

In different and unique ways.

We’re more often in competition with ourselves, than each other.

We’re all running our own race.


It’s one we’ll never finish, complete or master.

We’re a constant, ever-changing work in progress.

But with each step, we’re trying.

Calm yourself, ignore the storm.


Figuring out who we are is the simplest way to embrace life’s inevitable struggles.

However, getting to that point is a complicated, lifelong commitment.

We can start with paying attention to, and defining, our unique set of values.

We’re stronger together.


Left to ourselves, we are easily fooled into thinking we’re apart. Alone.

When we share our stories, we remind each other that there’s more that unites us than divides.

Values differ, but sharing them fights loneliness.

Striving to live our values is life’s goal


Societies are made of the people we are.

Who we are together, starts with what we are as individuals.

Who we are - our values - is expressed by what we do, not what we say.

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.

Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

— Rumi